China Medical University China

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Study MBBS From China Medical University:

China Medical University (CMU) is one of the top ten medical schools in China. It is a university with a history of nearly 81 years. CMU started as the Military Medical School and Health School of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and later merged two medical schools in Shenyang?the governmental Shenyang Medical College and the former private Liaoning Medical College, both of which had a history of about one hundred years. CMU was a university affiliated with Ministry of Health ?MOH? previously and became a university co-constructed by Liaoning Province together with MOH in the year 2000. CMU has 28 colleges, 56 disciplines or specialties offering doctoral degrees, 67 disciplines or specialties offering master's degrees, 4 postdoctoral research stations, 13 specialties for undergraduates and 10 higher technical specialties. CMU also has 3 affiliated general hospitals and 1 dental hospital. The number of CMU staff now is 13,121 and that of the registered students is 54,609.
China Medical University (CMU) is located in Shenyang, Liaoning. It was founded in Ruijin city, Jiangxi province in 1931. Its precursor was the Chinese Workers-Peasants Red Army Military Medical School and Chinese Workers Red Army Health School, which was the first medical school established by the Chinese Communist Party.

Over 80,000 senior specialized medical personnel have been educated by China Medical University until 2011, and its graduates are all over China and some countries and regions of the world. It nurtured many famous medical experts and leaders of national health administration and education, including a hundred above vice-ministry rank, nine ministers or vice-ministers of the Health Ministry, more than 40 generals, and twelve academicians of China Science Academy and Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Main Courses:
Basic Medicine:
Human Anatomy, Histology & Embryology, Cell-biology, Regional Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Medical Genetics, Medical Immunology, Path-physiology, Pathogenic microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology.
Preventive Medicine and Scientific Research Methods:
Social Medicine, Medical Ethics, Biostatistics, Hygiene.

Clinical medicine:
Clinical Pharmacology, Diagnosis, Basic Surgery, Imagine Diagnosis, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Stomatology, Otorhinolaryngology (E.N.T.), Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Venereology, Nuclear Medicine, Psychology and Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Infectious Disease, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Clinical Epidemiology, Forensic medicine and toxicology.

The current total staff of China Medical University is 12,324 and 84.4% of them are professionals of different specialties. Among them are: one academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 599 professors, 916 associate professors, 431 tutors for doctor students and 994 tutors for master students, 2 members of Evaluation Group of Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, 4 directors and 11 vice-directors, 50 members of Standing Committee, 60 Committee members of national academic societies, such as Chinese Medical Society. At present, CMU has 28 colleges, faculties and sections with the total number of 46,692 registered students. 6 broader disciplines of pedagogy, philosophy, natural science, medicine, management of CMU are authorized to grant degrees; 56 disciplines (specialties) are authorized to grant doctor degrees and 67 are authorized to grant master degrees; 13 specialties for undergraduates and 10 specialties for higher professional techniques education. In addition, CMU has 2 national key disciplines and 3 health ministerial laboratories; 1 national center for children rescue; 3 post-doctoral mobile stations; 3 national training centers; 2 national base for research of medicines; 10 provincial key disciplines, 12 research (treatment) centers of Liaoning province; 22 educational and research institutes or centers, 8 central laboratories of the university or its colleges; 15 independent research laboratories.

China Medical University (CMU) now has 7 scientific technique enterprises; 3 affiliated comprehensive hospitals and 1 specialty hospitals with total beds of 3,927. CMU occupies a total land area of 3,290,000 square meters (including new campus) with 743,000 square meters building area. The library with its more than 823,000 volumes of collections is the northeast regional center of National Medical Literature Resources Sharing Network of the Health Ministry, northeast knot of China Medical Information Network, and a national consulting unit for the science and technology of medicine and health.
China Medical University sponsors and publishes 10 magazines on national and provincial levels. The laboratory animal center of China Medical University (CMU), which breeds 23 species and strains of experimental animals for teaching and research, is also the provincial centers of laboratory animals and their quality control.

China Medical University has been authorized by the Education Ministry to admit foreign students in 1976. Since then, China Medical University  (CMU) has established good exchange and cooperative relations with 78 universities, institutes and institutions in Japan, USA, England, France, Russia, South Korea and Canada etc; Many internationally famous professors have been conferred honorary titles of China Medical University (CMU); 52 important international cooperation projects have been conducted. Stable cooperation relations have been set up with other countries on 40 disciplines. In 2011, there are about 404 foreign students and students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau studying in China Medical University.

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