Tuesday, December 3, 2013

MBBS from China, MBBS study, study MBBS, MBBS, MCI recognized medical colleges, MBBS colleges, MBBS universities, medical colleges for MBBS, best medical colleges for MBBS, best MBBS colleges, top medical schools, in China.  | nasc.in
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MBBS in China has been attracting international students who wish to pursue a career in medicine. China is now one of the leading countries in the medical field. After doing MBBS in China, international students can make their way to other countries of the world or can go back to their home countries. The Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China has released a list of 49 universities which have been approved to enroll international students for the academic year 2011 to 2012, for undergraduate medical education in English for international student study abroad in China. China Education Center provides a complete list of MBBS programs in China.
Medical colleges in China are recognized by the Medical Council of China and many of them are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the “Directory of World Medical Schools”. International students can apply to MBBS programs in China with medium of instruction in Chinese or English. Students should check with medical council in their home countries for the list of recognized universities or medical qualifications.
Although the medium of instruction in MBBS program is English, international students still need to study Chinese language in order to communicate with the patients in the clinics. Also, many MBBS programs in China require foreign students to fulfill the HSK test requirement before graduation.
Requirements for studying English-medium MBBS in China:
Students are expected to display a hard work ethic and take their studies seriously. China has a rigorous academic tradition; students are expected to devote themselves fully to academics. Generally speaking, international students are admitted based on their school grades, especially in mathematics and sciences subjects; also have the language ability to study in English. Admission requirements for MBBS programs in China are different according to each university.
Medical Education in China:
Western science-based medical education in China is among the most demanding in the world. It has developed rapidly since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The growth has been especially dramatic following the adoption of national reform and openness policies nearly 20 years ago. Western science-based medical education in China has been largely based on the models laid down at the beginning of the twentieth century. Among the earliest attempts to create a Western science-based medical education program in China was Peking Union Medical College found by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1917.
The length of MBBS in China normally lasts five or seven years. After completing basic education, the majority of graduates are expected to go directly into medical practice. The five-year program is designed to produce future practicing doctors who are not only expected to have a knowledge and understanding of the basic medical sciences and possess certain clinical skills, but are also expected to have knowledge of preventive medicine. The seven-year program, studies in the medical basic sciences and clinical practice are closely linked. The courses are spread over seven years and when successfully completed lead to both a bachelor and master degree. English-medium MBBS in China for international students normally lasts five to six years. MBBS program for international student in China aims to educate students with solid medical knowledge and standard clinical skills to the possible needs for them to serve in their home or other countries.
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Looking forward to study MBBS in China, Raj Consultants provides most comprehensive services for your Medical Education in China in MCI approved Medical Colleges in China. We understand the intricacies in MBBS in China better than anybody else. Our CEO visits Medical Universities in China so frequently to liaise with Chinese Medical University officials and sort out any problems of the students.
Chinese education and its Universities took strides along with its economy.  Medical Education is no different. There are 150 world class Medical Universities in China. Infrastructure at the Medical Universities is world class and State of Art Research goes on. China utilizes the same infrastructure and brought in English faculty to offer MBBS in China in English Medium. Effective Utilization of existing Infrastructure was the prime reason for Study MBBS in China being less expensive compared to the Medical Education offered in other counties.
Looking for Medical Education in China!!! Just before that, spend a moment on the following to look at where China stands today in its technology, education and economy in the world. If studied properly and Medical Infrastructure at Chinese Medical Universities used properly, Medical Education in China is more than worth than the money spent on that.
China has done something amazing and unparallel in the History of modern economy. They have achieved a double digit growth over last two decades and have shown no sign of tiredness. When everybody thought this growth is no more sustaining they are adjusting the model and coming up with stronger growth. In fact growth is so strong that China is declaring so many holidays to slowdown the growth. China now declares one week continuous holidays including its embassies. In fact this is in practice, turning out to two weeks of holiday. This simple example of how strong China is going.
If you have any outdated idea of China is pure community, agrarian, just developing country with so much of poverty…..? JUST SCRAP IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. China is a second biggest economy in the world surpassing Japan and Germany and likely to surpass USA pretty soon. It has already challenged the Super Power status of USA.  Just understand the magnitude of the issues and here is the sequence of the events that lead to turn of the events and the status of China as it stands today.
“    The real reformation started with Deng Xiaoping taking over the reins of China. He is a very pragmatic in his approach and did not care the ideology. His famous pragmatic statement “who cares if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches the mice” reflected in Chinese growth story subsequently.
“    The new Jobs, China created every year is more than the total no. of employees in Australia.
“    With a saving of over 3 trillion dollars in its pocket, China is shopping all over for Natural Resources and Asserts across the world. It as good as buying out some small countries. This has no parallel in the History of Modern Economy, except for the Occupation half of the world by British forces in Colonial era.
“    China Owns over 20 % of US Sovereign Securities.
“    When west is struggling with its financial crisis, China is coming to rescue of the developing countries, partnering with them and acquiring the resources there, leaving Western world as mere spectators.
“    What happened in the China was much more than growth stories of 70′s in USA, 80′ in Japan and 90′s in Asian Tigers like Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore etc.
“    China has naturalized the advanced production facilities of the Developed World and localized the technology for a better competitiveness.
“    China has implemented technology Marvels like Maglev Bullet trains which runs over 400 kms per hour. Recently China has inaugurated trains between Shanghai and Beijing 1200 kms stretch being covered in little over 4 hours and believe it or not China is laying 40 such tracks across China.
“    Chinese efficiency is growing at 17 % every year and imagines what happens when close to about 1, 5 billion of population is part of this growth.
“    It is not just growth, what is amazing is Chinese Vision. In many areas they are bringing sustainable and green technologies much before the Developed Western Nations.
“    It is not far off American and European manufactures adapt to Chinese Technologies, Systems and Architecture.
“    China has clearly moved from “Made in China” to “Innovated in China” and moving knowledge based economy. China has improved infrastructure in its Universities and improved education system in China. Very soon “Study in China” might be as popular as Chinese manufacturing.
“    China is bringing quite few courses in English and due to the cost factors; MBBS Study in China is soon going to be its flagship product. Many Chinese students are learning English and Universities are becoming multi cultural despite dominant Chinese population.
“    Another advantage of China is students who are going overseas are coming back along with their earned wealth and knowledge they acquired in western education system.
“    Let it be Education or Sports, Chinese students are dominating the new world hierarchy.
“    Medical Education has become popular with International students especially with Indian students as Medical education in China is quite cost effective. Thousands of Indian students have gone to Chinese Medical Universities for Medical Education in China due to cost factor.
Cost of MBBS in China:
The cost of MBBS in China far less compared to MBBS in India or any other country. This is primarily due to the fact that there is huge infrastructure in the existing Medical Colleges in China. Just by bringing the English teaching faculty made study MBBS in China at substantially lower cost.  MBBS in China being offered in some of the Best Medical Colleges in China with tuition fee as low as Rs. 10 lakhs for the entire program. With living lower than India due lower inflation, the total cost for MBBS in China works out much cheaper than many other countries.
Certain facts about studying MBBS are China:
“    Medical education in China is ranked 4th as per the survey of WHO.
“    There are 150 Medical Universities offering MBBS in China.
“    For the Year 2012 there are 49 MCI approved medical colleges in china offering MBBS in China in English Medium.
“    MBBS in China is similar to India with four and half of Medical education in China followed by one year of residency.
“    Residency can be done either in hospitals in India or China to complete MBBS in China.
“    Any student who does MBBS outside India has to appear for MCI Screening Test to practice Medicine in India.
“    Faculty for MBBS in China is mix from India, USA, China and other advanced countries.
“    Curriculum for MBBS in China is similar to that of India and they use almost same books.
“    Some of the Medical colleges in China Offer MCI Screening Training during MBBS study in China.
“    Separate Hostels are available for Boys and Girls and China is much safer place to live after its economic boom. Both Campuses and Hostels are well monitored by security agencies and police.
“    Indian food is available in these campuses and is inexpensive.
“    China is our next country and some time on offer, you can get return flight tickets under Rs. 20, 000/-.
Word of Caution on studying MBBS in China:
“    One must be very choosy about the Medical Universities in China with respect to English Faculty. Some of the best Medical colleges in China are yet to acquire good English faculty.
“    Avoid Medical colleges in China, who have recently approved to offer MBBS in China in English Medium unless you verify the English Faculty.
“    Some students become lazy and careless about studies and finally face problem at MCI Screening Test. Please remember if the student doesn’t study he/she cannot pass any exam.
“    It takes some time to understand the local culture and do not get up right away. Also parents need to understand the Chinese culture like other western culture, boys and girls move closely than they do in India.
“    Please estimate students’ maturity levels as the student suddenly becomes free and some students may become irresponsible. This can happen in India as well.
“    Please pay your tuition fee directly to the Medical Colleges in China. Some of the consultants have collected tuition fee from the student and has not paid to Medical Colleges in China. This was the prime reason for some of the bad reputation on MBBS in China.
Based on the personal visits of our CEO, we have selected few Medical Colleges in China which best suits you and you may verify what was told to you at the time of counseling on Internet and social networking sites


  1. Great information helpful to get an admission in China medical university for MBBS in China for Indian students at an inexpensive or low cost MBBS course fees.

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  3. Ria Overseas is helping students who are aspiring to study MBBS abroad. Choose the best program that best fits for your plan from the versatile range that we offer. We are a pioneer in helping students to choose the best universities, colleges, Schools for MBBS in China.

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